Whether we believe in fate and karma or not, we all, from time to time, begin searching for the purpose of our existence in this world. Especially when things aren't going well.
In astrology, we start searching for this by examining the whole birth chart. The lunar nodes, in particular, provide the quickest insight into this matter. Through their positions, rulers, and the planets they make aspects with, we gain significant information.
The point where the Moon’s ecliptic intersects in the northern part is the North Node. This shows us the path we need to take in this world and the areas through which we will do so. It is our mission.
The point where the Moon’s ecliptic intersects in the southern part is the South Node. This represents what we bring from the past, our habits, and our comfort zone. The location of this point and the planets it connects with show the life areas we need to be cautious of in this world. For the soul's evolution and development, moving away from the shadow aspects of this area in a balanced way and heading toward the area indicated by the North Node helps us fulfill our life’s purpose.
As of January 12, 2025, the North Node moves into Pisces, and the South Node moves into Virgo, initiating an 18-month new cycle. Their travels will continue in these signs until July 27, 2026. These points, triggered by eclipses, will bring fateful matters to the forefront in our lives. In particular, March 14, September 7, and September 21 of 2025 will be times that help raise our awareness.
Those born within the dates I mention below have their North Nodes in Pisces and South Nodes in Virgo, which means their 18-year cycle is repeating. Over the next 18 months, they will feel the importance of spiritual growth more strongly. Balancing the shadow sides of the South Node in Virgo and understanding the messages of the North Node in Pisces, and investing in it, will be valuable over the next 18 months.
Those born from June 22, 2006, to December 17, 2007.
Those born from December 2, 1987, to May 21, 1989.
Those born from April 19, 1969, to November 1, 1970.
Those born from July 27, 1950, to March 27, 1952.
When the South Node is in Virgo, there is little tolerance for mistakes. When things don’t go as planned, their acceptance rate is low. They might constantly find themselves intervening to prevent others from making mistakes. They may not realize they are missing the bigger picture while focusing on small details. Because perfectionism and meticulousness are at the forefront, they may not trust others with responsibilities, even in mundane tasks. Therefore, understanding the messages of the North Node and making it their mission will be beneficial for them. Love without judgment, don’t get caught up in flaws, and learn to accept.
When the North Node is in Pisces, they will need to see that life is not just about hard work; in order to stay physically healthy, their mental and spiritual health must also be in place. This will be emphasized by the North Node in Pisces.
Spiritual matters, spiritual themes, works related to beliefs, and nourishing the soul will lead to greater awareness.
Practices like worship, meditation, seeing what we cannot, accepting things without proof, are the messages of the North Node in Pisces. In short, spiritual maturation will be essential. Be grateful for your mistakes, offer emotional support to others.
ARIES: Invest in your spiritual realm, turn to meditation, cleanse your subconscious.
TAURUS: Touch the hearts of your friends, there are chances and opportunities in social environments.
GEMINI: Focus on your work and career. Chase your dreams.
CANCER: Learn new philosophies, pay attention to your prophetic dreams. Traveling to new places will be good for your soul.
LEO: Use the opportunities given to you to turn crises into opportunities.
VIRGO: Share your life. Don’t stay alone.
LIBRA: Take care of your health. Adopt a pet. Learn to trust your team and those who work with you.
SCORPIO: Grow your family. Focus on your hobbies. Make children happy.
SAGITTARIUS: Spend time at home. Be with your loved ones. Elevate the energy of your home.
CAPRICORN: Touch the hearts of your siblings and close ones. Go on short trips.
AQUARIUS: Strengthen yourself financially. Elevate your own value. Life is beautiful when shared.
PISCES: Realize your healing. Heal others. Focus on yourself.

Astrological Calendar for Spiritual Practices in February:
February 1, 19:33 - Meditation, forgiveness, visualization, heart chakra work.
February 2, 00:48 - Meditation, crown and third eye chakra work.
February 4, 00:51 - Healing, visualization, throat chakra work.
February 6, 06:29 - Meditation, visualization, crown and third eye chakra work.
February 6, 13:33 - Subconscious work, sacral and root chakra work.
February 7, 05:16 - Healing work, solar plexus chakra work.
February 10, 16:49 - Visualization, meditation, crown and third eye chakra work.
February 11, 16:58 - Healing work, solar plexus chakra work.
February 12, 08:55 - Healing work.
February 15, 19:45 - Subconscious work, sacral and root chakra work.
February 16, 13:51 - Healing work.
February 20, 13:05 - Visualization, meditation, crown and third eye chakra work.
February 21, 10:27 - Heart chakra work.
February 25, 06:28 - Visualization, meditation, crown and third eye chakra work.
February 26, 05:32 - Healing work, solar plexus and throat chakra work.