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Knowledge is ever-changing. When I explain what I know, I am actually recounting the past. If I question knowledge, I am questioning the past.

Knowledge is recorded in the soul. But can something that is recorded be categorized as right or wrong? You can record anything you wish on a recording device—a thought, a sound, a belief, the good, the bad... Yet, recordings are not stored with a distinction between true or false information.

True knowledge is what is experienced. It is a state of being, not a state of doing. You cannot truly experience something just by doing it. You may think you have experienced it, but in reality, you have only blocked or interrupted the natural flow of knowledge meant to be felt as an energetic stream. You may understand that flow, but that does not mean you truly know. You must reach realization. When you truly embody knowledge—when you live and experience it in a state of being—you comprehend both sides of the coin, the positive and the negative, even that which has not yet manifested from the spiritual into the material. You then come to understand its purpose of creation, and from that understanding, respect naturally arises within you.

You are the one who manifests the highest knowing. You cannot simply look at what has already manifested and build your dreams upon it—this contradicts true knowledge. If you create based on what you see externally, you fall into mere assumption. What does it mean to take form according to what is seen outside of you?

When you dream in sync with that great intelligence, when you are one with it, true unity emerges. That is when you overflow with the joy of creation. This is your true purpose.

True knowing is not about drawing conclusions, dreaming, or manifesting based on what you see in the external world. It is about becoming one with the dream of the great dreamer, merging with it as a single entity.

With love.


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