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A Small Step to Start

Continuing from Last Month

Last month, we discussed how our brains actually work harder when we pause (Default Mode Network). I find this information incredibly important. While we often think the opposite, knowing that the brain becomes more active when we stop gives us a strong reason to take breaks, to pause, and to take a deep breath.

So, if we make a connection here—does it also mean that what we think about when we pause is just as important?

My question for this month is: Are we aware of our talents, and are we using them? What are we filling our lives with?

A writer once said, "A person is not the owner of their talents but rather a servant to them, obligated to use them to serve the world." When I first heard this, it struck me as an interesting perspective. But now, it makes perfect sense. We all know that our time on this earth is limited, and if life continues beyond us, then how we fill that time becomes profoundly important. Believing in our own immortality and carelessly wasting our days is perhaps the greatest injustice one can do—to themselves and to humanity.

As long as we are here, we have a responsibility toward the continuity of this world, its well-being, and making it a better place. And if we have talents, we must use them. What am I passionate about? What are my inner strengths and abilities? On this journey of life, which values should I honor? In what environment, and around which people, can I truly be myself? These are the questions that should occupy our minds, so we can take meaningful steps toward goodness and beauty. I believe the recent tragedies in our country are deeply connected to these ideas—because only those who are disconnected from themselves and unaware of their own essence can act so irresponsibly.

But what if we are right in the middle of something—where do we start? What would small steps look like? It is never too late, because the moment we find happiness, the frequency we emit to those around us also shifts.

If we are simply waking up in a rush, quickly dressing, running to work, spending the day working, coming home exhausted, sleeping, and repeating the same cycle—or if, on the other hand, we are stuck at home, unable to find anything meaningful to create—we will eventually lose our sense of purpose. And over time, nothing we do will feel fulfilling anymore.

So, if you have a good voice, sing. If you can draw, sketch something. If words flow from you, write. If you have skilled hands, create something. How would it feel to carve out and plan small moments for ourselves, moments that bring us peace? In the fast-paced modern world, if we do this, could we first make peace with ourselves and then with the world?

As Nazım Hikmet said:"Living is no laughing matter. You must live with great seriousness… Or, you will work with white coats and thick glasses in a laboratory, ready to die for the sake of humanity."

Before some things come to an end, wouldn’t it be wonderful to discover and express our talents, use our limited time wisely, and live up to our potential? If we are here on this planet, right now, isn't it our responsibility to pass this test in the best way possible?

For yourself, and for humanity—wouldn’t that be beautiful?


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