The term soulmate or twin flame is used by people all over the world, whether they are spiritual or not. Yet, when they use these terms, they often don’t think too deeply about them. Many don’t even know if there is a distinction between the two. But a soulmate is not the same as a twin flame—they are different from each other.
So, what exactly is a soulmate or a twin flame? Who can encounter them? How can one truly recognize a soulmate or a twin flame? And is there only one of each?
The Unconscious Attraction
Most people are drawn to each other through the vibrations of similar subconscious wounds and form relationships based on these unconscious connections. Everything seems perfect at first, but then their subconscious codes begin to clash. Sometimes, these conflicts escalate to extreme levels. In reality, it’s not the two people who cannot get along—it’s their deeply buried, battle-ready subconscious warriors, waiting to be healed, that are at war.
We can only meet our soulmates when we reach a higher level of consciousness. And soulmates should not be thought of solely as romantic partners. A soulmate could be a close friend of the same gender or even a family member. If you have always associated soulmates with romance, it may be time to broaden your perspective.
When you are with your soulmate, you deeply feel that you are accepted just as you are, and you also accept them as they are. You feel more at ease with them than with anyone else—and you don’t do this consciously; it just happens. Soulmates bring peace, harmony, balance, and alignment.
The Difference Between Soulmates and Twin Flames
Of course, even soulmates reflect each other’s shadow sides—bringing them to the surface for healing. However, unlike relationships based on subconscious attraction, these reflections don’t create extreme turbulence; there is always an underlying peace. Soulmates who can work through their shadow sides can be a source of goodness and growth for each other for a lifetime.
But what if they can’t?
It’s a matter of choice. If one person refuses to walk the path of self-awareness and healing, the connection may not last.
Here’s the good news: There isn’t just one soulmate for you in this world. I can’t tell you exactly how many exist, but I am certain there are multiple—because I have encountered more than one myself.
However, I can’t say the same for twin flames.
The Rare and Intense Bond of Twin Flames
A twin flame is a far rarer phenomenon. They share the same soul. Their wounds are the same, their areas of growth are the same, their spiritual gifts, spiritual missions, and life lessons are identical. In fact, they are so similar that it can feel overwhelming rather than desirable.
The attraction between twin flames is so intense that it almost becomes tangible, as if their energy waves are physically visible.
They can feel each other within their own bodies. They sense each other’s emotions. If one is happy, the other’s mood can lift for no apparent reason. They can either elevate or drain each other’s energy. Making the other happy feels like making oneself happy. In short, they mirror everything to each other, resonating instantly.
They often communicate telepathically, and even if they want to, they cannot break away from each other.
This is not an easy connection to navigate. It is both exhausting and deeply transformative.
When healing occurs, and when they fulfill the spiritual promises they made to each other before entering this lifetime, they may part ways. But the healing process itself is often intense and painful.
Awareness and Consciousness in These Connections
Just as with soulmates, a person can recognize their twin flame if they have a high level of consciousness. However, there is no rule that both twin flames must have the same level of awareness.
If one has a low level of consciousness, they won’t be able to comprehend what’s happening. Meanwhile, the one with higher awareness will understand the significance of the connection.
My Advice?
Take what you need from your twin flame experience—but never let go of your soulmates!
May February be a month where those who seek their soulmates find them.
With love,💜