The movie ends.
There's an explosion in the background, our brave hero approaches the camera with charismatic steps, and blows the audience's minds.
Ten people rush towards one man, our brave hero neutralizes those giant men who we are sure will harm him with two or three moves. He looks bravely at the camera and blows the minds of the audience.
Master Yaşar, who raids the factory owner's office with his torn collar sweater and veteran coat, stands upright in front of the boss and says, 'Look sir, I have a few words for you, you are a grown man, you have money, everything, does it suit you to play with bread? Are you the grown man? No, I am the grown man, Master Yaşar.' When he says, he leaves the room as a brave man in the face of the powerful. When he says, 'I, I am the grown man,' he blows the minds of the audience.
Courage sometimes takes its place in the wrist and sometimes in the heart. When does the courage that we always desire to have in our wrist and heart come to us?
How can we be given that courageous and brave attitude that we all aspire to?
Let's start from there, if you wish. Courage is defined as taking action despite the fear that is inevitably felt. Even when we look at its definition, it says action against fear. Yes, there is always a feeling of fear, it means taking action without ignoring the fact of fear and feeling this fear inside.
Courage finds us when we take action.
So 'action' is the first step of courage; courage is waiting for a step to come. Not by ignoring fear, but by accepting it and feeling its existence, being determined to take the step.
There are opportunities that come our way. Job opportunities, vacations, travel, education opportunities and other opportunities that will excite you. There are many different reactions, but I think there are two types of reactions to these opportunities:
To be brave or not to be brave. To act or not to act. That is the question, as Shakespeare said.
No matter how difficult the opportunities we encounter are, when we can face the difficulties with the courage within us and transform them, we will cross that threshold and take our place among the truly brave. In this very line, isn't the attitude, stance and determination that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk held onto during the war of independence, an exemplary example of courage for the world, despite all the difficulties he experienced? Since we talked about the war of independence, we can't not mention the heroic stories in our epics.
After reading this article, I would like you to look at and re-read the Black Snake Story in Nazım Hikmet Ran's Kuvayı Milliye Epic, Chapter 1. It tells the story of a young man who runs away from war in Antep. When a cowardly young man hiding behind a rose branch sees that the black snake that ran to the corner of the rose sapling he was hiding in while running away from war and struggle falls victim to an enemy bullet, he gains courage. He becomes the hero of Antep in the War of Independence. There, the cowardly young man understands that whatever he is afraid of, fear does not make anything easier. He takes action and the moment he gathers his courage is the moment he takes action.
The implicit meaning in the slogan "Life loves the brave" is that "Life loves those who take action". Taking action has a great importance in our lives, from health to courage. If we are not happy with our work, our lives, the course of our lives in our daily lives, if we need innovation, if we have questions that we are afraid to ask ourselves such as "Is this how it will go?", we can ask those questions more often and make it easier to meet the brave inside us. Sometimes we are cowards even while asking this question. Being afraid even while asking a question is actually activating that brave you that lies within us. First, you should stop, hear that alarm that is burning in your mind. Is this how it will go? I need to stop this unpleasant situation that has taken over my life, but how? The questions and answers are inside you... You should be brave enough to answer these questions yourself first. As you ask brave questions, the brave answers that come from inside you will encourage you. You will see yourself preparing a list of things to do one by one that will bring courage and turn into an action plan and implementing them. Because you met with the courage to see the existing trouble that triggered you, you asked brave questions, your answers were sincere, honest and brave. Then you took action and met with yourself. This brave is you. You can put yourself first on the list of brave people. First stop and meet with yourself. How about having a coffee with yourself tonight? It can also be fun to take a notebook and pen with you and write. We wish you a pleasant time in your meeting with yourself.